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The Howard Partnership Trust is a growing family of 13 schools in the South East of England. Our family includes Primary, Secondary and Special Schools and welcomes any school that shares our values and commitment to Bringing out the Best in each and every one of our children and young people. Visit website

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Eastwick Schools

Eastwick Schools

Year 6

Weekly Update - Friday 10th October 2024

Summary of this week:

Hello Year 6 Parents and Carers,

We have had a busy week, including the causes of WWII, finishing our Christmas Card designs and attending our wonderful Harvest assembly.


Maths: We will continue to practise and secure our understanding of long division.

EnglishWe will begin to write our diary from the perspective of a WWI soldier.

Foundation:  We will continue our unit of work on living things, looking at microorganisms and bacteria. We will study Mayan artwork murals and how we can create our own graffiti inspired by art.


We have set a history themed project homework. This homework has an extended deadline of the 14th of October. We have explained to the children the task during our assembly and have sent home an information sheet. We are always so impressed by the creativity of the Year 6 children and we look forward to seeing their efforts.


Maths and English homework is paused during this time, we do not want to overburden the children.



Notices & Reminders


Bikeability – Fireflies start bikeability the week commencing 7th October. Bumblebees and Dragonflies start bikeability the week commencing 14th October.


Bikeability – Children should wear suitable clothing if they are partaking in bikeability – shorts and jeans are not advised. On Tuesday and Thursday (PE days) children can wear their usual PE kit if they would like to. Please ensure all children have a waterproof coat, as the children will completing their bikeability training outdoors and we cannot control the weather.





The Eastwick Curriculum in Year 6

 Year 6 Curriculum Plan 2024-25


Parent Information Evening September 2024

 Year 6 Parents Information Evening 2024-25

Year 6 Home Learning

To contact the Year 6 Team, please use this email address:  






Spelling: This spelling site is offering the opportunity for parents to download an app with a free subscription.


Maths Fluency Guide For Parents

Times Tables Rockstars

Hit the Button

 Daily 10

 A great website for generator Times Table worksheets (online and to print).

 Doodle Maths (App also available)


THPT Learning Resources page - various games and activities from across the curriculum:

THPT Learning Zone


Fun French activities: 

Lumens French Award

Ideas to stay active at home: 

Active Surrey - Home Activities

Movement Breaks poster