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Part of The Howard Partnership Trust

Eastwick Schools

Eastwick Schools

Year 3

Weekly Update Friday 4th October 2024

Summary of this week:

Year 3 have worked hard this week learning about adjectives, verbs and speech punctuation in their English lessons. In Maths, we have been tackling the column method for addition, when digits need to be renamed in different columns. In our D&T lesson, we really enjoyed tasting many different seasonal foods including apples, pears, blackberries, cranberries and honey. We used words to describe the flavours and textures and discussed which ingredients we would like to use when we bake our fruit tarts in a few weeks time. In History, we looked at lots of different artefacts from the 1950s that taught us about how Eastwick used to be in the past. This included a “Punishment Book”, the old school blazer and hat, as well as many black and white photos of the school grounds, pupils and teachers.



Our learning next week:


Maths: We will be exploring column method for subtraction, deciding which place value column to position the numbers in, to ensure that our method is accurate.

English: We will be writing our innovated versions of “The Bad Tempered Ladybird”, changing the main characters and the repeated phrase that they say to each animal they meet!



In History, we will be exploring famous, significant people that used to live or work in Bookham.

In Science, we will be learning about animal diets, seeing what different creatures eat.

In our Reading lessons, we will be exploring the text “Sulwe”, unpicking the main themes and inferring information about the characters.
In PSHE, we will be understanding how to solve disagreements within our friendship groups.
In Computing, we will be exploring “Scratch” on the laptops, finding different ways to manoeuvre the characters on the app.
In D&T, we will be designing fruit tarts with seasonal fruits, ready to make them the following week!

In RE, we will be thinking about creativity within Christianity and how Christians express their faith.

In PE, we will be learning football skills with Coach Jay and dance with Mrs Line.





The Maths homework sheet will be given out on Tuesdays – please could children complete this and hand it in by Friday so teachers can mark, provide feedback and hand back by the following week.


Please continue to practise the weekly spelling words at home in whichever way your child finds most useful. We also cover these words during our spelling lessons, so it is great if the children have prior knowledge of what we are covering!


Children are encouraged to use Times Table Rockstars for extra multiplication practise, at least a few times each week. Little and often is recommended! Logins and passwords are stuck inside the cover of the children’s maths homework books. Teachers will be awarding TTRS certificates on a Friday for those children that are using the website regularly throughout the week and making good progress with their times tables learning! 😊



 Notices & Reminders:

A reminder that we will be designing and making fruit tarts over the next 2 weeks. If any children are NOT allowed to handle these ingredients, please let us know ASAP:

Puff pastry, honey, apples, pears, blackberries, honey, brown sugar.


Thank you as always for your support,
Miss Bullock, Mr Harber, Mrs Secker and Mrs Milner.

To contact the Year 3 Team, please use this email address:   

Year 3 Curriculum
Year 3 Curriculum Plan 2024-25

Parent Information Evening September 2024

Year 3 Parents Information Evening 2024-25

Year 3 Home Learning

To contact the Year 3 Team, please use this email address:   


Colour Book Band Progression Chart - KS2

Guided Reading Question Cards - Non-Fiction

Reading prompts for small group instruction



Year 3 Summer Term Spellings 2024

Common exception words

Homophones activity pack



Addition and Subtraction - Parents Guide

Year 3 Multiplication Parent GuideYear 3 Division Parent Guide

Snap Maths

Maths Fluency Guide For Parents